It’s the Last One

Assuming I have an audience, as this is my last blog, I would like to thank all of my followers! As my last blog, I am going to discuss the so very cliche topic of “making the most” of your time here at APU. The phrase is commonly thrown around, and has even become very annoying to my ears. Just make the most of it! Yeah whatever is my regular response. However, due to the fact that this, the first semester of my freshmen year at APU, has come to an end so soon, I would like to encourage the second semester students to slow down and enjoy the opportunities.
Opportunities vary anywhere from meeting new people, doing your absolute on a test, getting out of your comfort zone and so much more. My first semester as a freshman is gone, and I will never have another. I will not be on the APU campus for the Spring semester which creates this bitter sweet feeling inside me. I have met so many great people and participated in so many new activities, but I am now leaving all of it behind and college will never be the same. Upon my return from Ecuador, I will no longer live in close proximity to forty other awesome dudes. Dorm life will be no more, and therefore activities will diminish.
In this next semester, for those of you that will be here in Azusa, my hope is that you all will cherish your last few months as a freshman. School is only going to get harder, and the time to hang out with people is now because there certainly will not be more time next year. So do me, and yourself, a favor by saying hello to that person you do not know as you walk by them. Smile as you walk around campus and enjoy the awesome atmosphere this school has to offer. Take the extra time to get to know someone, because who knows, that person could become your spouse or best friend. If you are one of those individuals who believe in the ring by spring, in my current enthusiastic state, I say go for it!! Whatever you are doing, be sure to enjoy it! I hope and pray you all will have a great holiday season and a great second semester! Happy finals week!


I thought I knew what humility was, but I did not really understand it until I arrived at APU. After numerous chapels where humility was hit on very hard, I started to truly grasp what humility is and how to practice it. When growing up, it seemed as if all of my peers flaunted what they had to show how ‘cool’ they were. Unfortunately, I believe that rubbed off on me. Life became more about what I had, and what I needed to get in order to be equal to those around me. I did not realize humility was to be practiced in ever aspect of my life. From the clothes I wear, to how I practice my faith, humility is to be practiced in every way. It is something I continually work at, and my eyes are opened every day to new things God is calling me to be humble with. The hardest aspect to deal with is the topic, new to me, of spiritual secrecy. How am I supposed to be open with my faith and try to be a disciple of Christ while being closed with with prayer and good deeds? I thought others were supposed to see what it is like to live a life like Christ where good deeds and a close relationship with God are cherished. I was wrong. The answer that has been placed on my heart is to be open with my relationship with God while seeking no attention or recognition from those around me, but from God alone. Although I have found my answer, it is still a continual struggle for my actions to be completely humble.

Shaping Me

One of the big controversies in psychological studies is the argument of nature versus nurture. The inevitable fact is that nurture influences each individual’s life whether a believer in nurture or not. Numerous experiences have influenced my life, but there is a particular time in my life that changed me drastically.
It’s seems as If high school is a developing time for everyone. Some people take in the experiences and make the most of them, others throw the high school time away. For me, high school was a time which encompassed my nurturing years.
In high school I played three sports every year, pushed myself academically, became intentional with my faith, held a job all four years and did my best to keep time for my family. As much of a blessing my parents were to me, they did not assist me, especially in the final two years, with my responsibilities. They pushed me to grow as an independent, while loving me the whole while.
The significance of this gradual change in my life is my ability to take care I myself now that I am distant and disconnected from my parents. No that does not mean I do not keep in contact with them, I love them as much as ever. However, I can make tough decisions and take care of myself. Some may think the description I gave of being “independent” infers that my parents didn’t care about me. I see I as quite the contrary and am blessed I have been raised the way I was.

The Screwtape Approach

I would like to start out by sharing my appreciation for C.S. Lewis’ novel. It is simply eye opening to view aspects of my faith and how I should be living my life from the opponents view. The book consists of a plethora of strategies used by the devil’s tempters to convert a Christian or an undecided individual to their father’s side. One strategy in particular is to monitor the people whom have influences on the victims life. The goal of the tempter is to surround the victim with worldly people who are not on fire for God. The relevance of this is astounding in my life. I have recently noticed how much of an influence my peers have on my life. When going through my high school years, the presence of godly people in my life was very limited. After moving to a Christian school surrounded by the presence of God through the new people in my life has been overwhelming . I appreciate the Christian community at this school more and more each day. In the Screwtape Letters, the victim is eventually surrounded by a solid croup of Christians, and his life is changed. I can say I have experienced this blessing and I thank God for this continually.

Politics Versus Religion

In this current age, nearly every topic in conversation is made controversial. Same sex marriage, abortion, the death penalty and gun control are some of the most discussed and argued topics in this great nation. The peculiar thing is that most of these topics are associated with politics. Not only are these topics argued over frequently, but they are even voted on and campaigned for. American’s have the right to speak their mind and petition for whatever they wish. Get some people together who have the same opinion, and you may be able to start a movement. What many do not take into consideration are the people who have a complete opposing opinion to their beliefs.

It is difficult to go more than a day without encountering someone or something trying to persuade you to their side. T.V, radio and road signs are common used strategies. When voting for the first time when I turned eighteen, I realized it was important to vote according to my morals and beliefs. I may not be a Democrat, but that does not make me a Republican. I choose to vote on things the way I believe would be pleasing to God. For instance, in the case of the death penalty, should any human have the power to kill another human? Is that not seen as trying to play God? I believe there is always an opportunity for people, even the darkest of people, to find Jesus. Voting on according to my values is how I believe people should vote.

As hard as it is for people to settle on simple topics, I know many may disagree with how I have chosen to vote as well. However, that is to be expected. That is the reason we, as free Americans, have the option of free will. Everyone has differing opinions, and that will not change on this earth.

A Hollow Eastered Christmas

It seems that every few weeks there is some sort of new holiday being celebrated across the nation. So what is a holiday and why is it celebrated with such enthusiasm? According to Google, a holiday is a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done. That definition alone makes celebrating a holiday so appealing, but what if there is a great significance behind a holiday? I would hope the significance would make it an even more enjoyable day!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of the BEST holiday; therefore, I would like to express my appreciation for Easter! Some may say they enjoy Christmas because it is a time of giving and receiving of gifts, but I hope their true enjoyment comes from the receipt and appreciation of God’s gift to us, his son. Halloween is also a common favorite, and it is fitting because it was celebrated yesterday! Dressing up as a creature, superhero or someone culturally different can be very eventful and fun. Along with dressing up comes an abundance of stomach aches due to an overconsumption of sweets. What is not fun about all of that?! the Fourth of July, Labor Day and New Years are also greatly appreciated, but I believe there is a deeper meaning in the celebration of Easter.
Besides Easter bringing together families and providing time for them to play an assortment of games together, many of which are biblical (Easter-Egg Hunts), Easter is the appreciation for a sacrifice and resurrection. What better way to spend a holiday and a day off than with family members remembering the sacrifice Christ gave to us?! Without the events celebrated and recognized on Easter and Good Friday, we would all be unforgiven sinners would we not? For this reason, I believe Good Friday and Palm Sunday are the most important holiday’s celebrated in our culture. I am not trying to influence you into taking my side, but I hope you can appreciate Easter as much as I do!


The New Me

When applying for colleges and anticipating what the new atmosphere would consist of, I created numerous expectations within my head. I will have to make new friends. I will have to share a room with a stranger and attempt to get along with him. I will have many more academic classes. The high school life consisting of only one hard class accompanied by seven easy electives would be over. I expected to have much more homework, but also knew that time management would be a new experience for me. There would be no coaches telling me i have practice on certain days and other responsibilities as well. My parents would no longer be present to keep me accountable for my school work. I had all of those ideas implanted in my brain, and so far they are all completely accurate. So far, college has been eye opening to a different aspect of life, but I can remain confident when saying i have not encountered anything serious that i did not expect. I was blessed to have special parents who prepared me so well for life on my own. They raised me to be have the ability of independence, while valuing others and appreciating their presence in my life. College has been such a great experience so far, and I know there is only more of it to come. I have been able to plug myself in with new people and stretch my comfort zone. I have met some of the most amazing friends possible and it is easy to predict their presence in my life for the remainder of my life. Being involved with intramural athletics has kept me active and helped me enjoy the same activities that I was afforded throughout my life so far. I have been blessed with the opportunity to study in Ecuador in the spring of 2014, and I am unable to describe my enthusiasm for the following semester. Not only has college reached my expectations, it has rocketed past them. The opportunities presented at Azusa Pacific are incomparable, and I am thankful everyday for my new life here!

Sweet to Sexy- the Drastic Change

In the book “Screwtape Letters” written by C.S. Lewis, Screwtape says “Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one”. In many ways I believe this to be true. When looking at todays society this idea becomes very evident. The most recent episode, for example, is the changing of former Disney star Miley Cyrus. Growing up with a sister, I was afforded the opportunity of watching Miley Cyrus in the show “Hanna Montana”. On and off the set, it appeared that Miley was a good role model for kids. I even saw my sister taking after her ways of talking, joking around and obviously dressing up as a pop star. Miley Cyrus’ struggles were relatable to kids. However, as she grew older, something gradually pulled in her to rid herself of the Disney label and start a new career as an adult. Therefore, she began to do just that. Following her end with Disney, she started releasing music albums, the most eye opening of which is entitled “Can’t be Tamed”. The title is self-explanatory. In recent times, she has been recognized as the young lady dancing nearing nude on TV. Her image and apparent life style has been flipped upside down from when she was a child.  Some have said “her latest video casts her as a performer who has more in common with Lady Gaga or Britney Spears than the goofy character that made her famous”. Unfortunately, Miley’s slow and apparent downward spiral is available for all to see. It is not my responsibility to judge whether she is in the direction of Hell; however, in my knowledge of the Bible and my faith, her actions do not seem pleasing to God. To read more on the topic of the new Miley Cyrus, click here:

Ecuador Bound in Four Months!

Do you ever feel a deep calling to do something? Maybe you’ve had an overwhelming sense to call a friend you have not talked to in a while. Possibly you had an irresistible desire to attend a certain school. Maybe you sensed a calling to study abroad in Ecuador during your second semester of your freshman year at Azusa Pacific University? If you have experienced the later, I know exactly what you felt! During the first week of staying here at APU, I was influenced to attend different seminars, many of which contained information about study abroad. When I learned that APU was now offering a program located in Quito, Ecuador, I became ecstatic. I have been fortunate enough to take numerous trips to Ecuador to serve at an orphanage. Since I visited there for the first time, it has been a passion of mine to serve in that manner and environment. Hearing that study abroad programs were available in Ecuador, I prayed about my situation, and decided to apply for the program. I knew that if it was God’s will, I would make it into the program. On Wednesday, October 3rd, I received an email delivering the news that I had been accepted to study in Ecuador during the spring semester of 2014. I was overjoyed and knew that this must be the path that God is leading me on. I am so thankful and feel blessed beyond belief. My life will be changed in Ecuador next semester. Surreal.  

C’mon T-Swift

There are an assortment of ways to incorporate writing into our daily lives. From books to newspapers and magazines to TV shows, writing is omnipresent in this world. One of the main forms of writing happens to be in music. Almost every song, with the exception of those horrible freestyle raps, are written out before being performed. A wide variety of song topics exist; most artists write about many different things. However, there is that one artist who only writes about gaining and losing love. TAYLOR SWIFT! Do any of her songs have a topic other than love? She said once “I write songs that are like diary entries. I have to do it in order to feel sane.” If this is absolutely true, she must always have love on her mind! She seems to express her heart very well through her songs. But why the excessive amount of songs? Is it not possible to write just one? Apparently not because she has also said “I always have to be writing”. Oh geez, she literally said she is never going to stop. It is amazing to see how many people absolutely love Taylor Swift. Is she a pop artist or a country artist? That seems to be a common dilemma among many people. I apologize for this scattered post, but I believe it fits Taylor Swifts scattered song topics (therefore relational life) quite well. Taylor Swift, I wish you the best of luck in your career and search for a man.